New Release: Advent Asepcts 2020

Advent Aspects 2020 : Available Now at Bandcamp

One winter-inspired atmospheric track was uploaded to 40+ Discord servers in mp3 format each day leading up to Christmas. Recipients were encouraged to share them (and encourage them to be shared) to other servers, as well as through soulseek. The month of December was filled out with another 7 tracks on Christmas Day, along with some pictures and project files.

An arrangement was made with Salieri Records to collect all of the tracks above here on bandcamp, most now available truly lossless, plus two bonus tracks from Heike and Spectre Hums that were in progress during the month of release.

Our friend is threatened with the loss of their home due to their father's medical, and now funeral costs. Give directly:

Countless Christmases of innocent people have been spent wasting away in prisons, and now the pandemic has made these facilities hotbeds of illness on top of that. The Innocence Project wants to put a stop to such injustice. Share their stories:

(Money from PWYW will go toward these as charity)

Vicarious Ardents Discord server with original uploads and "guestbook": pAQuxec3Pw (code only to avoid spam)

Organizer, Editor: So?ing Machine
Executive Producer: Matt DeMello

James Osborne